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    发表于 2012-11-7 09:12:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


    工程师的办公桌可以完全呈现工程师们的个人“艺术气质”,从后模拟设计时代传奇人物Bob Pease(美国国家半导体,NS)和Jim Williams(凌力尔特)的例子就可以得出这样的结论。

    下面分别是Bob Pease和Jim Williams的工作环境写照:




    来自IN公司的工程师Christopher Nelson


    来自佛罗里达州的Mike Burr, Jacksonville


    来自哥伦布OH的Jim Augustus


    来自哥伦布OH的David Saxby


    来自马里兰的Scott Wohler


    最后将分享一下本文原作者(Brian Fuller)的工作台,以Fuller自嘲的说法:“显然缺少‘天才’的气质,唉……”

    编者按:为了悼念不久前不幸辞世的两位模拟技术大师,美国国家半导体的Bob Pease(NS)和凌力尔特的Jim Williams,电子工程专辑美国版编辑Brian Fuller写了一篇互动性博文,由于本土化的需求,文章中的人称将有一些修改。


    Are you a genius? (Well, how messy is your desk?)

    By Brian Fuller

    Engineering desks can be an art form all their own. Consider these shots from late analog design legends Bob Pease and Jim Williams.

    Pease's place:

    Jim Williams' bench:

    It's clear in the cases of Pease and Williams that cluttered, "messy" spaces may actually spawn genius, to paraphrase the famous quotation.

    Are you a genius? Send me photos of your "work space" (the soulless phrase for where you invent), whether it's in the office or your garage. We'd love to see the environment in which you create cool stuff!

    By the way, here's a shot of mine, which today doesn't resemble the homeless encampment it usually does. Clearly, nothing in this shot shouts "genius," alas.

    UPDATE: The photos are rolling in and the world's messiest engineering workspace/genius gallery is live. Take a look!

    Christopher Nelson, Ft. Wayne, IN

    I had to ask: Chris, what's up with the chair?? I actually don't remember how it got there. I am 6'4" and destroyed the first few chairs when I came to work so it is probably one of those. Currently, part of what I do help design computers for audio professionals. This area is a R&D, testing and repair area.

    Mike Burr, Jacksonville, FL

    The first three are the panorama for my main desk. The last is the shot for my workbench. Not much in the way of clean. :-D

    Jim Augustus, Columbus, OH

    I have about 5 square inches of clear space for my computer mouse.

    David Saxby, Columbus, OH

    It looks like David's two jam-packed workstations are back to back so all he has to do is swivel around when one desk gets to be too much (or paperwork on ones gets so overwhelming that it's time to go to the bench).

    David, anticipating the genius award, writes: "I’ll be expecting a call from the MacAthur folks any day. ;)"

    Scott Wohler, Maryland

    Just wanted to add to the madness. Included are pictures of my computer desk and work bench. We are a startup, and this is my only work bench right now. I must confess I cleaned the workbench last night, but not in preparation for the photo. Haha.


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  • TA的每日心情
    4 小时前
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    发表于 2012-11-7 16:32:25 | 显示全部楼层
    powerdruy 发表于 2012-11-7 15:19
    我们公司每周检查一次桌面,乱了就扣分,分扣多了就扣钱,我们部门是新成立的,自成立以来,就是垫底专业户 ...

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