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The company was founded by Jørgen Weber Jensen and Jens-Jørn Stockholm in a small apartment in Roskilde, Denmark, and grew to be one of the world’s leading manufacturers of components for hearing aids. During the past half a century, we have contributed to improving the quality of life of the hearing impaired all over the world. From little children to elderly people who have spent decades in silence, we help over 40 million every year.

The company was founded by Jørgen Weber Jensen and Jens-Jørn Stockholm in a small apartment in Roskilde, Denmark, and grew to be one of the world’s leading manufacturers of components for hearing aids. During the past half a century, we have contributed to improving the quality of life of the hearing impaired all over the world. From little children to elderly people who have spent decades in silence, we help over 40 million every year.收起

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